Welcome to Amenti Books.
Amenti Books is an imprint used by a small group of independent authors. We follow strict quality and content guidelines, to ensure any book emblazoned with the Amenti Books logo is of a high standard.While Amenti was formed with a range of services in mind, in the interest of best servicing our member authors, we have restructured to focus on the imprint itself as a matter of priority.
We will be seeing a range of books published in paperback for the first time under our imprint, and these will be listed on our books page. Also, ebooks which have already sold under our imprint will make their way into that catalog eventually.
Amenti Books is a trademark shared by individual entities trading independently in an unincorporated joint venture.
Amenti Books does not trade independently and is not a legal entity for tax purposes.
Amenti Books operates as an imprint used for the publication of books in a range of genres.